Thursday, December 27, 2012

Man, Oh Man

A few years ago, actually a couple more than just a few, I was working with a friend who was contracted to build addition.  The owner took care of some of her grandchildren.  One, in particular, was a little 2-3 year old boy who didn't have the largest vocabulary in the world.  As a matter of fact, to the best of my knowledge, he only had a one word vocabulary... "MAAAAAAAAAAN!".  To get the full extent of the his WORD you have to say it with a heavily nasally sound and hold it for 4-5 seconds and he said it quite loudly.  He loved to watch me, though he was on the inside of the house, I could easily hear him.   He would pause several seconds between repeating his exclamation of  "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!".   I must have heard it hundreds upon hundreds of times that morning.  At lunch I complained to my fellow workers, who had been working elsewhere, that I was going nuts and was absolutely losing it and needed a move to different area or I would be killing something or somebody by the end of the day.  They all laughed and was told "To suck it up.  It couldn't be all that bad.  He is just impressed with you and likes you."   God had mercy on my soul and he went down for a nap shortly after lunch.
   I was away on another job for several days, upon my return the leader of the project came to me saying that he was sorry.  While away he was finishing around the area where I was "maaaaaaaaaaaanned" to death.  Needless to say, I was afraid of that, because I had noticed a new twitch in one of his eyes and a continual drool coming from the corner of his mouth.
  Its an easy thing to judge someone when you don't realize the extent of their life, but you can do the right thing and pray and support them without knowing everything.  Being critical is easy.  To support and lift them up without reward is a bit harder and is being a more mature person.

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