Monday, May 2, 2011

Hereafter- Angels do what?

John 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
Whether Jesus was saying that the angelic activity was going to start to intensify around Him or that the disciples were going to see it from then on, it is important to see the fact that there was a constant flow of activity.  Was it that Jesus was a special case or that there was someone pushing the environment around Himself for God’s kingdom and purposes?
What do angels do?
Assist in salvation- the centurion Acts 10   
Bring healing-stirring the water John 5
Deliverance from circumstances- Peter from jail Acts 5 and 12
Direction for the believer – Philip to go south Acts 8
Messages from the Father - Greeting of peace and safety Acts 27 (these are just a quick listing and by no means a complete)

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

The word that is translated “minister” has the following diverseness in meaning:  attendance (as a servant, etc.); figuratively aid, (official) service:--(ad-)minister(-ing, -tration, -try), office, relief, service(-ing).
We often picture angels standing by and just watching or at best helping in extreme circumstances like car accidents.  I also feel that we often attribute spiritual activity around us to the Holy Spirit when in reality it is the angels performing God’s instruction towards us (it is not an important point who gets the credit other than to realize how important you are to the Father and He is making His resources available for you).  The act of ministering goes far beyond our concepts of “guardian angels”.  I have read accounts of cars “running” in deliverance circumstances when there was no engine present under the hood (unknown by the participants before hand).  Also of protecting armies when missionaries were traveling through dangerous areas (seen by those who were about to attack).  I had an instance where I entered into a daze or fog at a stoplight where a semi ran through a red light and would have collided with me had I have been alert and proceeded. 
  I attended a meeting of 200-300 people a few years ago where the individual said that at times God would open his eyes to see angels and what they were doing.  He called out certain people and said things like “Sir there is a large angel that is pouring a vile of fire over your head” or another was reading a book in the ear of another person.  To say the least it was a little strange.  Then he turned towards me and said, “Sir, in the red sweater there is an angel standing behind you and if you had hair on top he would be messing it up and constantly playing with it and God says He is messing up your life for His purposes.”  Over the prior eight months to a year I had entered into place of communion with the Father and quite often had a physical reaction similar to a buzz and/or a strong joy, sometimes bringing His presence home with me that would spread His influence over my family.  A couple times we would just sit around the table in His presence while the food cooled.  Often there would come a numbness (like a dentist missed my jaw with Novocain and put a shot into my head instead) over my forehead and scalp while worshiping or preaching.  At the time I attributed this to the Holy Spirit. Several minutes before I was called out by the gentleman my “normal numb-buzz” was intensified, enough that I was well aware of it anyway.   The messing with my life involved taking me out of a long-term church relationship in which we half left and half expelled due to leadership authoritarian abuse and what was happening in my relationship with God.  What did the numb-buzz do?   My spiritual awareness was greatly heightened, His presence carried a stronger physical sensation in my life and others around me, life as a believer became easy and a no brainer, His voice volume became amplified (often during a service where verses were literally spoken into my chest like a sledge hammer - that’s the best way I can express it.  It was not from the speaker but through spiritual means whether the Holy Spirit or angels I don’t know).  My life and personality changed of which my wife was thankful.
 I heard someone speak once he accused American believers of being so indifferent that their angels were bored spitless and were putting in requests for other duties.  My question would be what are you doing that may alert the angelic realm to get busy on your behalf?

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