Friday, May 27, 2011

Abba, could you please take out the trash

Eph 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
 Here is the problem,  Paul in this verse writes that we would know something that is truly only known after you conceive it and is past the point of your thinking!  To know something without knowing it in your thinker… I believe the word or expression would rightly be to experience or truly feel the love of Christ.  There is only one place to do that and that would be in a place of communion with God.  Letting Him wash over you with His presence.  I picked up the book I referred to from Lenard Ravenhill (as mentioned in a previous posting) in the beginning it talks of a man named M’Cheyne, who said or wrote in a diary, “I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God. It is the noblest and most fruitful employment, and is not to be trust into the corner”.
As I look at my life I always have found very easy to sit still for various activities(games, reading, tv or computer) but found it hard when it came to God.  In my journey with Him, I came to a spot of desperation and finally breakthrough,  where I found that I didn’t need to fill the time with words but found that just being there in quiet or with a worship song or two going (and I would recommend one or two, at the most, it’s less distracting but can set an ambiance of worship) I could deeply  meet with God. Simply put,  I was there just to meet with and be next to Him.  All the pressure is off and I am open for Him to do what He wants doing.  As I would meet with Him and He would in turn love on me, it started to change me, old habits and behaviors started to melt away without any struggle from my side other than I made sure I was there for and with Him.  It took the work out of my relationship with Him and I became the blob of clay that He could mold.  As you find your way and He fills you more and more and you experience His love for you, victory, change and healing will come. 
My advice for you is to:
1.       Keep it simple
2.       Shut up and don’t keep talking (Be still and know… that I am God.)
3.       Be faithful.  Just because you didn’t feel anything the first day, week or maybe even a month the change is coming, the seed is planted, it is growing and will spring out at anytime.
4.       Quiet your mind.  If some important item comes up write it on a pad to look at later. The only thing to think on, if you must, should be Him.  If a sin comes to mind confess it and move on.  DON’T LET YOURSELF GET DISTRACTED!  It does take practice to still the mind and activity without falling asleep (and that will happen too).  Be open, invite Him to meet with you and tell Him you are there to just be there with Him and meet with Him.
Remember:  Garbage in …God out.  But… God in... garbage out!
I would love to hear your past, present or, soon to be, future experiences knowing the love of God.  Email me at and let me know if I could post some of them with or without identity attached.

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