Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You are the Church part 2

 In the last session we started to look at what a church is and isn’t.  In summery:   IT IS YOU!  It is not a building and it isn’t a church just because a group is “organized” or incorperated.   The presence of a pastor doesn’t make it “a church” just as an absence of a pastor does not stop it from being “a church”. The Church is believers as a whole and in parts.
  When you read  the book of 1Corinthians 1:12+ Paul is chastising the Corinthians for choosing people to follow and identify with (“I am of Paul and I am of Peter…”) he goes on to say you are only to identify with and follow Christ!  Today we can look and see several groups that do the same thing as the Corinthians…” I am of Luther” (Lutherans) and the Wesleyan church has (under their own history section) on their web site “When John Wesley began…”.   From the Methodist’s own web page:The United Methodist Church shares a common history and heritage with other Methodist and Wesleyan bodies. The lives and ministries of John Wesley (1703–1791) and of his brother, Charles (1707–1788), mark the origin of their common roots.”  I am sorry, but I think their common root supply (that what roots do...supply) is supposed to be JESUS!  All large groups have their own people that they proudly follow with or without a name of that person in church name or doctrine. I am not picking on or belittling the above groups, but they are easy to see examples how the Church of today has lost its way and are currently dying for it (among other reasons). There is a “church” in Indiana (I believe) that to this day plays recorded sermons in their services of a past and dead pastor who they revere!
The point I am trying to make is your supply for life is Jesus.  What makes you you is Jesus.  It’s Jesus that causes the growth. It’s Jesus that gives you the new life.  You may have a pastor and you may like him/her and certain characteristics he or she has but get over them and get your eyes on Jesus.  I don’t want to go to your church and see them preach or teach, I would rather see or hear Jesus in whatever they do.  HE is to be the main draw. Yes, there are certain people I like to hear, but it’s because I can also see Jesus in them. They do not showcase themselves, but they draw your attention to the Father and/or the Son. They also have the fruit of the Spirit obvious in what they say and do. They also are people that are not arrogant or self absorbed (drawing attention to themselves). “Come to my church” some say, well it’s not your church! Did you die and rise from the dead for it? I visited a pastor (who served as an assistant pastor at a place where I had also served and attended) his first question to me was “Are you going to church somewhere?” notice it has nothing to do with relationship with the members Godhead but rather a man made organization and he never could get around to that point.  Another, seemingly unconcerned about my God relationship, needed to know if I have left the “word of faith” doctrine. 

So why is this all so important and important enough to write about?

1.       Denominations cause divisions (between people and between people and their God).
2.     Your salvation does not come or keep through the Church but through your relationship with God
3.      We often set our affection on “our church” or sometimes our denomination instead of Jesus or the Father (which is who Jesus was pointing us toward as the goal for relationship)
4.      We often set our affection and gratitude on our pastors, again a misplacement  of affection
5.      We live a diminished life because of an improper relationship with the Father
6.      Without a clear connection to the Father we to often put the work of the Gospel to those that are “trained” or to the “paid staff” of organizations because we are not qualified
7.      Your life flow comes from Jesus and that flow is necessary for you and others that come in contact with you
8.      With our eyes so out of focus our ability to affect the world of our time is greatly diminished

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