My friend Dan Erickson has been writing the ABCs of faith, here is one of his posts on believing.
"B--Believe: Most of us know we need to believe in God. Too often we confuse thinking or feeling that God exists with believing He exists. To believe in something is to put your trust in it completely. If I believe that Ford trucks are the best out there, I don't buy a Chevy... I buy a Ford because I BELIEVE in them, not just that they exist. Real, saving belief completely trusts in God and the finished work of His Son Jesus on the cross as a satisfaction for our sins. Real belief puts all our eggs in one basket, so to speak. A BELIEVER is one who trusts so strongly that the result is obedience."
Thinking or feeling that something may be true is different than believing it. Believing calls for an action. Have you ever had a thought or feeling that something bad was going to happen, but went ahead with the trip or whatever anyway? I have and it turned out fine. When you believe it, you change your plans! I have done this also. I have had construction jobs that I "felt" something was not right with the person I was about to do the work for and it worked out fine. Then other times I have refused jobs because of a "strong conviction" that something was wrong, to find out later the next person who did the job was sorry he took the job. Believing calls for action.
What is it that you believe? Are you acting on it or are you just acting?
If you want an email alert to my latest blog postings, please email me at or any other way you contact me and give me your email address. You'll stay up to date and just maybe get a smile on your face and Jesus stronger in your heart. There is also an email button on the right side of my blog for contacting me.
"B--Believe: Most of us know we need to believe in God. Too often we confuse thinking or feeling that God exists with believing He exists. To believe in something is to put your trust in it completely. If I believe that Ford trucks are the best out there, I don't buy a Chevy... I buy a Ford because I BELIEVE in them, not just that they exist. Real, saving belief completely trusts in God and the finished work of His Son Jesus on the cross as a satisfaction for our sins. Real belief puts all our eggs in one basket, so to speak. A BELIEVER is one who trusts so strongly that the result is obedience."
Thinking or feeling that something may be true is different than believing it. Believing calls for an action. Have you ever had a thought or feeling that something bad was going to happen, but went ahead with the trip or whatever anyway? I have and it turned out fine. When you believe it, you change your plans! I have done this also. I have had construction jobs that I "felt" something was not right with the person I was about to do the work for and it worked out fine. Then other times I have refused jobs because of a "strong conviction" that something was wrong, to find out later the next person who did the job was sorry he took the job. Believing calls for action.
What is it that you believe? Are you acting on it or are you just acting?
If you want an email alert to my latest blog postings, please email me at or any other way you contact me and give me your email address. You'll stay up to date and just maybe get a smile on your face and Jesus stronger in your heart. There is also an email button on the right side of my blog for contacting me.
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