Tuesday, November 27, 2012

As I contemplated this post, the words to an old Joni Mitchell song came to mind.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

In my walk as a believer
I have walked in great victory and great shame
I have lived with the and for the Church (the people) and lived apart from as many as possible
Been in love with the Church (the people) and despised some
I have seen the best and the worst from this loved people
Grown to love pastors for their great love and grown to despise others for their abusiveness
I have seen the Church from both sides (as a babe and as a pastor)

  I am getting the feeling its time to shed.  There have been times in church history that have been like a snake that is too big for its skin.   There comes a point of getting rid of the old or maybe like a caterpillar its time to metamorphosis into something new.  Martin Luther was at the center of one of those moments.  The protestant  revolution was another.  However, in each case the man made institution of the church has not been changed but, remained top heavy or pastor dominated (which causes the people to relax in their actions and relationship with the Father).  I say the man-made church as opposed to the Church that is a living and breathing organism.  Instead of the freedom in Christ we end up rules and regulation, dos and don'ts and programs to try to make up for the lack of the Holy Spirit's power in our individual lives. 

  True freedom comes at a cost, sometimes at the loss of life.  I know of at least One who died to get you that freedom.

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