It's easy to say that your hope is in God. It's harder to prove it, even to yourself. If you think that your hope is in Him for your health, what do you do... For me I had a test when a greyish growth about the size of a nickel appeared on the back of my head. How would you feel if you had a blood exchange, of some kind, with someone infected with AIDS? Would your heart rate go up? Would you start to worry? Would you constantly wonder when you'ld start to develop HIV? Would you lose sleep?
I used to have exchanges with someone who "didn't worry", they were "just quite concerned" about things. Worry (or concern and thinking about something frequently) can invade your life subtly (def: So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe) a thought here or there and WAMM it has a stronghold of "concern" in you. It's a Christian thing not to worry because the Word says not to, but we still can be very concerned about something ...that okay...(NOT). Worry can be over anything, health, money, relationships, death, poverty, wealth or even something so trivial as trillions of dollars. When "concern" is present, hope in God is nowhere least in that area. You can have all the hope in God in one area and be a mess in another. Worry or "concern" has a twin sister. Her name is Fear. They look so much alike you can almost say they are identical twins. One is just a little more intense than the other... both will destroy your life and are a conduit for illness (physical and mental). Check out one of my previous wrestling sessions with "concern" posted May 7 "Why it's Important"
The process to beat worry is the same as I took that night, sometimes the process of ridding your soul of the worry takes longer or may be shorter (depending just how long you've been thinking on the matter). It's just like a tree, the longer it has to take root, the harder it is to get rid of..
"Casting all your cares (concerns) upon Him" Casting involves the throwing of something away from you and like fishing... you can reel it back to you... if you choose to.
I used to have exchanges with someone who "didn't worry", they were "just quite concerned" about things. Worry (or concern and thinking about something frequently) can invade your life subtly (def: So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe) a thought here or there and WAMM it has a stronghold of "concern" in you. It's a Christian thing not to worry because the Word says not to, but we still can be very concerned about something ...that okay...(NOT). Worry can be over anything, health, money, relationships, death, poverty, wealth or even something so trivial as trillions of dollars. When "concern" is present, hope in God is nowhere least in that area. You can have all the hope in God in one area and be a mess in another. Worry or "concern" has a twin sister. Her name is Fear. They look so much alike you can almost say they are identical twins. One is just a little more intense than the other... both will destroy your life and are a conduit for illness (physical and mental). Check out one of my previous wrestling sessions with "concern" posted May 7 "Why it's Important"
The process to beat worry is the same as I took that night, sometimes the process of ridding your soul of the worry takes longer or may be shorter (depending just how long you've been thinking on the matter). It's just like a tree, the longer it has to take root, the harder it is to get rid of..
"Casting all your cares (concerns) upon Him" Casting involves the throwing of something away from you and like fishing... you can reel it back to you... if you choose to.