The Upper Peninsula of Michigan (from this point on referred to as the U.P. or just U P or even 'the place with nothing but trees and bars' and not the southern type of bar that has 4 legs and cantankerous, especially when with cubs) is a wonderful place to hunt. The woods are full of trees, trees and more trees. Sometimes you will see rabbits, wolves, squirrels, mice and even an occasional porcupine. Deer? No, not really all that common, they usually stay out of the woods, where the hunters are, and run up, down and across the roads hoping to either find that elusive tender piece of browse or see how many motorists they can get to soil their pants as they play Dodge Car each night. The U P has annually been near the top in numbers of deer road kills in the US, which is something considering no one lives there. There must therefore be a definite lack of teaching going on. I am not sure who is teaching the finer points of Dodge Car, they must be tenured though, because I have never seen any improvement in the road kill numbers. You say "Steve, Steve, deer aren't that smart! They could never learn." What they have paid attention to while being taught has served them pretty well. It seems that they may have ADD (Academic Deer Disorder) which prevents them from learning new tricks. Some have ADHD (Academic Deer Hunter Disorder). These deer are usually pretty easy to spot as they are the ones that take rides in the back of pickups or tied down on the trunk of cars. If you think deer aren't all that smart, I would like to see you put on a brown fur coat and a put of big set of antlers on your head and go out each day during hunting season and not get shot!
Many "believers" also have ADHD (Another Damn Hearing Disorder). Some of you are balking right now unable to get passed the "D" word. "Its swearing!" No its not! Swearing involves taking an oath. "Its cussing!" All I am going to say for now is either get over it or forgive me (I just reread my Hypocrisy of Words 1,2&3 posts and can see another one coming).
Jesus often put it this way, "He that has ears to hear...", if you don't have ears to hear, it may well damn you. Selah (stop, think and ponder for awhile)
James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Along with the ADHD that many have, they also have the "Yeah But Disorder" (YBD). They didn't really want to hear and they were quick with their YBD response, "Yeah,but..." (when someone does this they generally have just dismissed everything that was just said and are about to show you their right way). You really can never learn if you if you are slow to hear but quick to respond. A ponderer is a good student and learner. Be a ponderer and not a deer.
Many "believers" also have ADHD (Another Damn Hearing Disorder). Some of you are balking right now unable to get passed the "D" word. "Its swearing!" No its not! Swearing involves taking an oath. "Its cussing!" All I am going to say for now is either get over it or forgive me (I just reread my Hypocrisy of Words 1,2&3 posts and can see another one coming).
Jesus often put it this way, "He that has ears to hear...", if you don't have ears to hear, it may well damn you. Selah (stop, think and ponder for awhile)
James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Along with the ADHD that many have, they also have the "Yeah But Disorder" (YBD). They didn't really want to hear and they were quick with their YBD response, "Yeah,but..." (when someone does this they generally have just dismissed everything that was just said and are about to show you their right way). You really can never learn if you if you are slow to hear but quick to respond. A ponderer is a good student and learner. Be a ponderer and not a deer.