Monday, February 25, 2013

Tales from the Woods 2

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan (from this point on referred to as the U.P. or just U P or even 'the place with nothing but trees and bars' and not the southern type of bar that has 4 legs and cantankerous, especially when with cubs) is a wonderful place to hunt.  The woods are full of trees, trees and more trees.  Sometimes you will see rabbits, wolves, squirrels, mice and even an occasional porcupine.  Deer? No, not really all that common, they usually stay out of the woods, where the hunters are, and run up, down and across the roads hoping to either find that elusive tender piece of browse or see how many motorists they can get to soil their pants as they play Dodge Car each night.  The U P has annually been near the top in numbers of deer road kills in the US, which is something considering no one lives there.  There must therefore be a definite lack of teaching going on.  I am not sure who is teaching the finer points of Dodge Car, they must be tenured though, because I have never seen any improvement in the road kill numbers.  You say "Steve, Steve, deer aren't that smart! They could never learn."  What they have paid attention to while being taught has served them pretty well. It seems that they may have ADD (Academic Deer Disorder) which prevents them from learning new tricks. Some have ADHD (Academic Deer Hunter Disorder). These deer are usually pretty easy to spot as they are the ones that take rides in the back of pickups or tied down on the trunk of cars. If you think deer aren't all that smart, I would like to see you put on a brown fur coat and a put of big set of antlers on your head and go out each day during hunting season and not get shot! 
  Many "believers" also have ADHD  (Another Damn Hearing Disorder).  Some of you are balking right now unable to get passed the "D" word.  "Its swearing!" No its not! Swearing involves taking an oath.  "Its cussing!"  All I am going to say for now is either get over it or forgive me (I just reread my Hypocrisy of Words 1,2&3  posts and can see another one coming).
Jesus often put it this way,  "He that has ears to hear...", if you don't have ears to hear, it may well damn you. Selah   (stop, think and ponder for awhile)
James 1:19  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Along with the ADHD that many have, they also have the "Yeah But Disorder" (YBD).  They didn't really want to hear and they were quick with their YBD response, "Yeah,but..." (when someone does this they generally have just dismissed everything that was just said and are about to show you their right way). You really can never learn if you if you are slow to hear but quick to respond.  A ponderer is a good student and learner.  Be a ponderer and not a deer.

Friday, February 22, 2013

To be or not to be (feeling Shakespearean)

 In my last post I wrote a  line.
 It is on your palms.
 It is sometimes in TV shows.
 Sometimes used in rescues.
 It is a life line.

 There are areas in our life that we have no control over.  Your height (unless you decide to lop yourself off at the knees).
 Your eye color (unless you get them tattooed).
 Who your parents or kids are.
 Where you were born.
 To a great part what other people do.
 But there is one thing that you do have control over and that is YOU!
 The line I wrote was "Life will be as boring as you allow it to be."
 If you are grumpy, Misery will be your companion.
 If you are a liar, Deception will be your best friend.
 If you are an optimist, good things are around the corner.

  If there are areas you want changed, do it!  A lot of your life is determined with the small attitudes that you have learned to live with.  Small adjustments can make a big difference.  Capturing that thought, before it influences your future actions can make a big difference.  Learn small actions and/attitudes to make your way pleasant.
"But I can't change them, I've tried."
 Then, this is where the Father can and will come and help you.  As I learned to sit still and live with His precious presence around me, anger fell off me and joy came.  I went through bouts of laughter and I am sure I looked quite insane to some, but it made a eternal change in me. (In His presence is fulness of joy and that is a lot!  You talk about a real LOL!).  Many never realize the scope of the verse that says " it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" and all that goes with it.  Don't sell your Father short or underestimate  His love and what He is willing to do for you.  If, as another verse says, He gave us His Son shall he not ALSO freely give us all things?
 Don't get me wrong, if I chose to, I could go back and embrace anger.  I could do it and get a whole lot worse by my decisions.  Life is one BIG choice after another.  What small choices you make each day start to add up to a much larger sum (attitudesxattitudes+choicesxchoices=yourlife).  How you will react to situations... will you forgive or choose bitterness or murder, those are big decisions that will set you and others down a path that will make you and others make more choices.  The answers are in the Father.  "I lay out before you life and death.  Please for your own good choose life"


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grocery Store Drifters

Grocery stores have always been a bit boring to me.  To compensate, I look for entertainment to pass the time, as entertainment in the store can be hard to find, I have often had to be self entertaining.  In my early twenties, my roommates and I would go late night shopping, depositing strange and sundry items in each others carts and would later watch the reactions as they would take out feminine products, fuses, weird toys and such at the check out counters.  After a few times of this and never being tricked myself, we decided to switch and surprise unsuspecting strangers.  After becoming a parent and having a 2 and 3 year old and seeing the same boredom tendency in them, I invited them to sit on my feet and hold on tight.  I would then try to shake them off while shopping and get away (sometimes running, while pushing the cart and shopping) and they would chase me down the aisles and latch back on as often as they could.  We would shop the WHOLE store that way, much to their amusement and to others watching.  This became a tradition to them and they were relentless in hopping on with each visit to the store.  I finally had to put my foot down (actually they were down... solidly) and end this routine when they reached their teen years.  This is also a better exercise than attaching those sissy little ankle weights for leg strengthening.   At other times I will exit a store and hop on the cart as it moves down the slight incline of the lot (which must be catchy because I have also watched Milea try it). The other day, I again found myself bored as I shopped in our local grocery.  Not having my wife to tease or make laugh, I once again had to be creative and find something new.  I noticed that either the floor or my cart's wheels were slightly slick.  I tried "drifting" the cart through the store. Watch the following video if you don't know what drifting is (the best drift is in the last 10 seconds.  To view best one, after catching the drift of drifting, click to the last quarter inch of the video timeline and watch to the end).
  Even though my cart was going straight down an aisle, it was at a 25-30 degree angle, thus the drift.  It was great fun, (okay, maybe not great, but fun.) As soon as I let go of the cart's handle it would zip back to tracking correctly.  I wish I were talented enough to do it in my car (or better yet, that I had a car that had the potential to drift on dry pavement! Oh well, a guy can dream can't he?)  Life will be as boring as you allow it to be.
  Drifting... Drifting on dry pavement in a car takes skill and power.  Drifting as a believer can be deadly.
  Drifting as a believer is like a log out on the water, anchored to nothing firm.  It is influenced and moved by anything that goes by, the wind, waves or even anybody that decides to latch on to you.
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 
Someone that is adrift, just going through the motions of the christian life, is immature and vunerable from all sides. Lets look briefly at this next verse.
1Pe 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Sanctify (set apart, to give its rightful high place), give answer for the reason (be ready by reason of knowing what and why you believe, other than tradition and what your denomination may or may not believe), with meekness and fear (with mildness... not raising your voice and getting all defensive, because of the confidence that is within you out of the reverence that you have for the Father).
Official SMB Version... 1Peter 3:15 Love the Father with all your heart, so much so, that you have gotten to know Him so well that you can share Him confidently, with anybody, under any circumstance and without any fear of blowing it.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Lesson in Love and Leadership

  If you will read this, take it to heart and apply it to your life you will, in the end, be happier.
  Today at our church's meeting these verses in Matthew were briefly brought up.   Matt 20:26b+ ...but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
  As I looked at this and  pondered and I went back to 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
  It is this world's thought process to "be above that",  it is wanting others to serve you and making sure that those others do "their fair share" of  the unwanted jobs, if not making sure that they do more.  This mentality is pervasive in government, business, and churches, and even manages to get into friendships and roommates and in marriages. These two thought processes are in direct opposition to each other.  One promotes the welfare and promotion of self and the other the welfare and promotion of others.  The first will naturally come from a person that is selfish and insecure the second  from a giving and confident person.  It is not that a selfish person can't learn to serve others or that a confident person will not demand to be served, but I get ahead of myself.  In verse 26 it says that if someone wants to be the leader or "somebody" they should be the errand boy or waiter (the word minister in 26 is translated thus).  In 27 He goes on to say "Hello, did you hear Me?  If anybody wants to be somebody, try doing it by becoming a servant or a slave" (SMB Version).  Mother Theresa is a modern day example of this attitude.  The Catholic Church wanted to promote her, but her attitude was I will not leave Calcutta or its people.  The world looks down on the servant, Jesus exalts them.
  Those that abuse their position by using other people will, for the moment, have friends and gain what they want from that authority, but find that when the position is gone, so are the prestige and "friends".  In the realm of friendships and marriage you can hold people captive or manipulate them by withholding affection, having an attitude or by using threats of various kinds, but the end will be loss of friendship, affection and/or bitterness.
 "But what if someone abuses this and I end up doing it all?"  And your point is?  If you, as the servant, are complaining about being a servant, were you ever one to begin with?   Your attitude is still "Me".   I have found that even though you were the one that was abused to begin with (by you doing more than others and not complaining or manipulating others because you are doing it), that by your example, the attitudes of others will eventually turn around .  You will have a reward if not in this life, you will have it in the next.  There is great happiness in a household when the people there all have this serving-others attitude.  Sometimes those hardest to serve are those you live with.
  There is a teaching in many churches however, that opposes Jesus' words.  Those teaching will cite Joshua and Elisha.  See, they were the servant to the "big kahuna" (man of God).  "If you want to become a leader in this organization you must serve me".   It may not be said that directly, but that is the end of the teaching.  These "servings" can range from carrying their Bible or luggage, to cleaning their house or washing cars.  It is not that these services are getting done, but it is wrong when people are taught to serve those in authority.  Where did Jesus ever teach that?  Jesus said in another place "If you do it unto the least of the brethren you do it unto me".  Above in verse 28 He said "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister"  So, if His attitude was to be a servant and to do it to the least, who are you to insist to be served without serving others yourself?  It is not that Jesus refused to be served (ex. Mary washing His feet) but  his attitude and practice was one to serve others.
  "But, even the apostles said, 'We should not be waiting on tables but in the Word and teaching'".  Were the apostles always right?  Seems they missed it here.  How about Peter, that went to Galatia and caused a division within the church until Paul had to openly rebuke him.  Didn't Jesus tell them to be witnesses throughout the area, but they decided to stay in Jerusalem until the persecution got too much to stay.  The apostles were not infallible. 
  In the end it boils down to what is more important you or them.  In 1Corinthians it says "Love does not seek the promotion of self, but of others and it doesn't keep track of how much you do compared to others. (SMB Version again)  Selah.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Slow, Sluggish and Retarded.

  As a young teenager my first "real" job was pruning/shaping pines on a Christmas tree farm.  It seemed tedious, hot and the days were long (keeping in mind I was a young teen and was a tad bored).  The lady in charge showed the four of us what was required and continued to work with us for a couple hours, three of us got the concept pretty quick.  The idea was to give the pine the general Christmas tree cone shape by lightly nipping the new growth, cutting back any of the old growth that had happened to grow a little too much from the previous year and  make sure there was only one main shoot at the top that would be forming the trunk.  The fourth worker, and I think the youngest, of us was not quite so fast at catching on.  On the second day we saw a tree that he had trimmed.  It was great amusement to us all, the other three of us, the land owner was not amused (and I don't blame her). In defense of the "fourth", he had left the main leader out the top and it was 4-6" longer than any other and right up the center, as directed.  He had a calling in landscaping, it would however not involve cone shapes, but he could handle the perfect round dome look.  Charlie Brown would of taken it above that needless tree he was stuck with, but I don't know if that 2-3' pine ever made it into a home, if it did it would of taken years.  Rolling on the ground in laughter was not conducive to getting the work done,  I think that was his last day, I also remember him being lazy and winy.
  Many of us, I fear, are choosing to be learning impaired in spiritual matters. As the writer of Hebrews wrote, "... seeing ye are dull of hearing" (dull meaning: sluggish, lazy, slothful). Which reminds me of a radio interview I heard a few months ago.  The lady was talking about a fund raiser or an organization to help people that were "developmentally delayed".  I began to think of a product, that I previously used, that when added to concrete it would slow down the setting time.  It allowed you to put more concrete down without the first part hardening, before you got back to finish it, it was called a "retardant" (a substance that reduces the rate of a chemical reaction, causing to delay).  When I got home I looked up the word retarded.  The second definition was: Occurring or developing later than desired or expected, delayed. In other words someone who is "developmentally delayed" (is developing later than desired or expected, delayed) you could say is retarded.  I know the word "retard" has been used as derogatory, as in "you retard" (the equivalent of calling somebody an idiot or fool, something Jesus said  that if you said to someone... "'Thou fool', shall be in danger of the hell of fire")...a sobering thought.  Why the harshness?   I think it boils down those words becoming the fruit of your prevailing attitude, you have not really experienced the love of God.  Instead of love, you are passing out judgement.  I know what it is like to feel the rage that caused me to say, "You fool!" or "Idiot!" to people.  I would be out riding my bike and people in cars would pass me in a way to put my life in danger.  If they had just waited their precious couple seconds every thing would have been fine.  I remember during one such ride God called me on it.  Basically telling me to knock it off.  Point taken and corrected... most of the time.) Calling somebody "retarded" instead of "developmentally delayed" is the exact same thing. Sheesh!  What would they do if people started calling people "developmentally delayed!" or "You DD" for short. Then what would they say?
Rant over.... so is this post.  To be continued later

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You can't hear the truth or can you?

My friend, Dan Erickson, recently posted this on Facebook. It is his latest post in a series titled the ABC's of the Gospel. 
"D--Doctrine: A body or system of beliefs about God, man, the future, etc. Doctrine seems boring to some but is extremely important. After all, what if your doctrine is wrong? With so many religions and churches someone has to be wrong! You will find out that the more people adhere to their Bibles the more they agree on doctrine, especially on the fundamentals. On the other hand, the more people let man define beliefs through the lens of culture and preconceived beliefs, the more bizarre doctrines get. Stick to the Bible. It is our handbook and was written to give us foundational truths and keep us in the truth."

Pr 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:  
Many will sight this verse, but at the same time reject its message. Lets briefly dissect the second half. 
    Reproof translates: chastisement, correction, refutation, proof, argument, chastened, correction, reasoning, rebuke, reproof, reproved.
    Instructions  translates: chastisement; figuratively, reproof, warning or instruction, chastening, chastisement, check, correction, discipline, doctrine, instruction, rebuke. 
  So it is well translated "reproofs of instruction are the way of life",  but could also be translated: adjustments (corrections) by discipline, corrections by doctrine or even corrections or adjustments in doctrine.  Corrections to our life and even what we think about God and who He is, is a way of life.  It is a process of growth.  Get used to it.
   I  often encounter people, who having accepted doctrines without knowing why or understanding them, when presented with something different will respond to the differing thought or enhancing thought or doctrine by either shutting down (not really listening and looking for an escape so they can get on with other things),  getting angry (a common defensive stance, especially when they cannot justify what they believe, because they have not taken the time to know their God and scripture), very seldom will you find someone who will honestly hear you out and will add their own "Well, how about this verse then".  Few, if any, church body's have their doctrines all together, I know of none anyway, Not even mine!  It is not that we should be changing our doctrine like we change channels on a tv.  However, when presented with scriptures that oppose or enhance a doctrine, we need to carefully and prayerfully consider the possibility that we were (can I say it?) WRONG, or inadequately informed.  Most of these doctrines that need adjusting are ones that can come as hand me downs from parents, created by our own life's experiences or oddball teachings or sermons that we hear.   One such "doctrine" that is out there is that everyone will be saved or live eternally in heaven.  This can come from any of the previously stated reasons, or for this particular one, personal errant thinking and emotions about a "loving God".  This person is usually a loving person who is empathetic to the feelings of others and has a low scriptural knowledge and refuses to consider that we all make our own decision to follow Him or our own ways and will ignore verses like where Jesus looks at some and says "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, because I never knew you". He goes on to say "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."
 Paul says it this way:  1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 
The word prove can also be translated: to test, discern, examine.  You prove something by using the Word of God not your thoughts, feelings, somebody else's experiences, or written pamphlets.  These can act as support, but the truth will come and be proven out foremost by the Word.
  Ac 17:11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.
  Notice the praise that was directed toward these people who heard what was being preached then studied it out to see if what was said was true.  In other words they proved it.  How sad it is that people are either to lazy or more loyal to their pastor or denomination to see if they have a right perspective on God.
 One last verse, Ho 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mr. Nobody

  There are times that I can hear people talking back at what I post.  Some of the things I heard from you after reading the last couple posts were things like,  "How could someone be healed because I walk past them?" or "Why would someone repent just cause I am around?".  Well, the first answer is simple, it really isn't you, its the Father.
  A few decades ago I worked at and later managed a mom and pop pizza restaurant.  After a year or so of eating pizza and subs for my break food, I ate only garlic cheese bread for a couple years. I would come home and Milea would get hungry just smelling all the garlic that was oozing out my pores.  I had become saturated with garlic.  If you spend time with the Father, after a while, you will become saturated with Him.
  "But I am a nobody." Lets see what Jesus says about that.  NOTE: in this verse He doesn't deny that you may be a nobody.
  Mt 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least (a nobody) in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
  Do you get it?
  Lets make a mathematical equation out of this verse.   E<J<U.  E= EVERYONE that lived before John the Baptist.  J= John the Baptist. U= you.  Let me help you, in case you are mathematically challenged. Everyone that lived B.C. is less than John and you, Mr. Nobody, are greater than John therefore Mr. Nobody, that makes you greater than Moses, Abraham, David, Adam, Isaiah, Noah, Ezekiel, Solomon, Daniel and John the Baptist.   Does that help you understand?  How about this they: healed the sick. shut the mouths of lions. raised the dead, ruled kingdoms, set up kings , took kings and kingdoms down, raised the dead, saved the remnant of the known world, glowed with the glory of God, became the father of a nation, prophesied, parted waters, did I mention raised the dead?  And you consider yourself a nobody that can't do anything?
Step one: get saturated
Step two: ooze
Step three: get more saturated (you leaked, oozed, after all)
And so on

Monday, February 4, 2013

Daddy, Can I go out and Play?

  A thought hit me today, more like a ping pong ball rather than a baseball... thankfully.  Before I start, I know that I will not make points with some, however I will continue in the hope that some will grab hold of this concept and run with it.
  I have heard some saying we should become like the church of the book of Acts, some are saying that we shouldn't and instead we should be the church that reflect what is needed for this age.  I have a problem with both these views.
  After the first couple centuries of believers, the church moved to an institutional organization whose goal became promotion of the organization instead of the Christ that redeemed it.  It became a dictatorship and a government that ruled around the world deposing of any that a opposed it.  Sending thousands to both heaven and hell by killing them.  Through the centuries the church has slowly removed some of the chains that she bound herself with, but we have kept the institution of the organization paramount.  I had previously belonged to one such "church" whose head said "When people leave (his group of churches) they are leaving God".  So in essence this organization made itself, when you boil it down, either equal to God or "the church", with there being no other. 
  The second condition we find ourselves in is that we have also moved the church inside away from public eyes and exposure.   If you notice 90+% of the healings in the NT were done not only outside the church walls (as the people being used in the healings were often out walking) but also to random people not even looking for healing and many of whom were nonbelievers.
Okay, so here is the thought that hit me,  have you ever heard of a "healing service" in the Bible?  Yet, it is a frequently held service in today's church world.
1Co 12:9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;  This  gift is not speaking of a doctor or nurse... unless you want to say that my carpentry and construction skills should be listed as a gift of the Spirit (or even the the gift of cleaning?).  Now wisdom, another gift, is and can be used along with skills that you may learn.
 Milea has a great, great uncle* (I think) who would see thousands of people healed in services as he ministered, in a tent that he would set up in various towns, often staying 6 weeks and hauling away "boxcars full of medical equipment" from those who were healed.  He ministered outside the church at least, but I think the time is to be outside and in the streets and public buildings looking for God to use you.  How long did it take Peter to find out that people were getting healed by his shadow/brightness (see previous blog or two).  Maybe you should start looking for people that will surrender their life to God just because you walk by (see previous blog).  The person in Wal-Mart will get out of the wheel chair because you carry a strong presence of the Father.

  *Raymond T Richey

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Glorious Change

 I read about a man, I believe in a Smith Wigglesworth's (1859-1947) biography, that was riding in a coach or a train.  A fellow passenger, who was seated across from him, was getting noticeably agitated.  Near the end of the trip the man got down on his knees saying something like " Sir, you convict me of my sinfulness" and proceeded to repent to God for his sins.  The unusualness of this incident is that the man (who I believe to be Smith Wigglesworth) had neither said or done anything towards this man, and I believe he had been just reading a book during this trip.  What had happened?  Smith had spent the morning in the presence of God and was carrying His presence with him.  We can also read of Peter whose shadow (I believe can also be translated brightness) falling on a sick person would cause a healing or Stephen's and Moses' face shining, or rags, that were touched by Paul, healing people.  All these and more were a result of the presence of God.
  Well don't we all have God living inside us?  And what are you doing about it?  Is it Him or you that shines out?  Here is a brief test... if someone cuts you off rudely in traffic what is your response?
2Ti 2:20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.   21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. 

  "If a man therefore purge HIMSELF"...  While I stood and stand under His influence  I am continually being washed and changed. How is the presence of God bestowed upon us?  I believe that the influence of heaven these days is not only the Holy Spirit but also the angels that are on assignment,  look at what Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man."    That hereafter means from now on, it was a continual flow of heavens influence upon and for Jesus.  They were not only bringing messages, gifts (like healing or strength) but I believe they were also bringing the glory of the Father down and upon Jesus.  Look at how that glory upon Stephen made the religious devils mad, Acts 6:15+. 
  You hear people say I'm doing this for the glory of God.  I'm telling you that getting some of the glory of God on you will help you to do something to give Him glory. 
  Personally I would rather listen to someone that has been spending time with Him and getting some of Him upon them, than someone who can speak all the right words because of an education and study.  It was said of the disciples, by the educated elite of their time, that they could tell the disciples were uneducated, but that they had been with Jesus,  Acts 4:13.   Selah (stop and ponder on that!)