Saturday, December 29, 2012

Okay Then...

Okay, this is going to be incomplete but I thought it more than worth putting out for you to see.  I was given a book for Christmas.  I opened it up to start to read the forward...  first of all, the name of the book is These are the Generations  by Bea and Foley.  It is about a North Korean couple...I think, after all I am barely into the forward.  Here are the first two paragraphs.

  When my wife and I speak about North Korea at events in the West, people always ask us, "How can we pray for the North Korean Christians?"  So we asked a group of North Korean underground Christians that question, they answered, "Pray for us? We pray for you!" 
  When we asked why, they replied, Because Christians in the West still have some wealth and freedom and power.  Most have not yet experienced what it is like when all you have in this life is God."

 When I considered this, my first response was, "Well that crosses all of us off the Christian list... so we have to get poor and helpless" (a semi-sarcastic thought)... just being honest.  Then I thought of all that we do have that takes the place of  true relationship, things like: cellphones (you know the type that you play games on, text and get on the web with), including Androids, Ipads, Ipods, tablets,etc. That is besides the computers, laptops, game cubes, Nintendos, not to mention the tv, dvds, movie theaters, restaurants, all the entertainment and recreation areas that are available to us at a drop of a hat... how much more should I list.  The worst of us still have more than 90% of the rest of the world.
 Our time is divided, with all the gadgets that we possess to save time we should have 34-36 extra hours in each day, just waiting and wanting for things to do.  I bet most of us could go without prayer, meditation or even worship for a week and feel okay.  Most however, would be going through withdrawal symptoms if we had no internet connection or entertainment for that same week.  SELAH (stop and think about it for a while)

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Man, Oh Man

A few years ago, actually a couple more than just a few, I was working with a friend who was contracted to build addition.  The owner took care of some of her grandchildren.  One, in particular, was a little 2-3 year old boy who didn't have the largest vocabulary in the world.  As a matter of fact, to the best of my knowledge, he only had a one word vocabulary... "MAAAAAAAAAAN!".  To get the full extent of the his WORD you have to say it with a heavily nasally sound and hold it for 4-5 seconds and he said it quite loudly.  He loved to watch me, though he was on the inside of the house, I could easily hear him.   He would pause several seconds between repeating his exclamation of  "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!".   I must have heard it hundreds upon hundreds of times that morning.  At lunch I complained to my fellow workers, who had been working elsewhere, that I was going nuts and was absolutely losing it and needed a move to different area or I would be killing something or somebody by the end of the day.  They all laughed and was told "To suck it up.  It couldn't be all that bad.  He is just impressed with you and likes you."   God had mercy on my soul and he went down for a nap shortly after lunch.
   I was away on another job for several days, upon my return the leader of the project came to me saying that he was sorry.  While away he was finishing around the area where I was "maaaaaaaaaaaanned" to death.  Needless to say, I was afraid of that, because I had noticed a new twitch in one of his eyes and a continual drool coming from the corner of his mouth.
  Its an easy thing to judge someone when you don't realize the extent of their life, but you can do the right thing and pray and support them without knowing everything.  Being critical is easy.  To support and lift them up without reward is a bit harder and is being a more mature person.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

The Only Way to Celebrate Christmas

  What is the most important thing to do this Christmas season?  Getting all our shopping done?  Getting all the decorations up?  Getting the house all cleaned before everyone starts to come over?  Getting all the food ready and on time?   Sorry, if these were any of your answers you were and are wrong.  "Ah", you say, "the most important thing you should be doing is bringing Christ into the Christmas season."  "You are wrong, eggnog breath!"  At least in the way you mean it.
  What you celebrate and  how you celebrate really don't matter in the least.  I really don't want to get into the debate about Santa, Jesus and the tree and which is which. However, the most important thing about this and every Christmas season are you attitudes.  That is right!  It is letting your love and your representation of the Christ show forth.  Your demanding of  having it your way and pouting that you only got to sing  one Christmas carol after singing about Rudolf, Saint Nick and White Christmas is what stinks and brings shame.  Maybe it was your shortened temper on display, for all to see and they did see it, when you went off on someone because things weren't going right in the kitchen or store or even on the road.  Take a deep breath relax, do without that extra pie, arrive ten minutes late, give one less or even all gifts.  What people will remember is not the lack of something or even that perfect gift you got them, but rather your meltdown over the mashed potatoes or unlit candles. 
  Try celebrating Christmas by representing the one you supposedly celebrate Christmas for!  Hmm, now that's a thought worth giving.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

What did you say?

It has been almost 25 years since we moved to Kentucky.   When a Kentuckian asks me, "When did you move here?", the easiest way to convey it is to reply, "The year Rick Pitino came to UK", as the  head basketball coach (he is now regarded as the traitorous wretch that now coaches the Lousy-ville Cardinals).  Being here this long, I have lost my northern accent and ways.  According to the locals I am not quite there, yet (Milea has assimilated much more quickly).  From the outside Kentucky is known for (listed in no particular order):  Bourbon (named for the area or specific counties it is created in), horses, tobacco, hillbillies with missing teeth and the uneducated.  From the inside, KY should be known for (listed in a particular order):  college basketball, horses, Bourbon, tobacco, friendly people and, I would like to add, the hard of hearing.  I am not sure if it is hereditary or environmental, I am leaning to the latter.  A lot of people feel that KY could easily have the license plate "The land of Allergies".  I am not sure, but this may be the cause of the deterioration to our hearing, the allergies causing more fluids in the ear canals thus more  "plugage", drainage  and possible excess production of ear wax.  When our kids were small we found that they were getting hard of hearing and upon closer inspection we found their ears were almost or completely closed off with wax.
  Today, I was talking to a man who was walking down the street, he replied to me, "What did you say?" and then went on to answer my question without me clarifying.  I recognized this pattern, as I have found this in my own life, and NO, I don't think its just cause I am getting old! Can you say "ALLERGIES?"  Phillip's wife, Kaitlin, insists we, in particular me, speak too softly (and carry a big stick, my interjection) she seems to have succumbed.
  Further proof of this hearing condition follows... from the outside upon talking to some "locals" you may get the impression that they are unedjumecated, but in reality, I believe, it is just a hearing condition that has led to a mispronunciation problem.
Bardstown Road... is often pronounced "Bargetown"
Across...  often is pronounced "accrost"
I heard recently that someone cut "the amBiblical cord" on their new baby
Also heard a lady at WalMart ask for help in finding a printer "cartlage"  (not believing my ears, I followed the conversation and found it repeated)
I recently saw a Craigs List ad... "Almost Brain New Laptop"  (add a southernish twang to that and you'll understand)
While talking to a man, he related that "There was a bad accident and both cars were in the 'medium'."
We also have 'Chimley' or sometimes 'Chimbley' sweeps  Also saw a hand printed sign on a truck door advertising "Chimley Repair"
Recently...  "Lets sing a 'hymnal'" (it took us all night)
And there are many more...
 I have noticed, thanks to Anna's husband Steven, (who seems to talk quietly and very fast, and if it were not for my lightening fast brain that is somehow able to process and analyze the sounds that come out while he talks and even though there seems to be a delay in my understanding, often 5-10 seconds behind him finishing)  I also need some ear cleaning and have succumbed to living in KY.
Beyond my theory of hearing loss... I have absolutely no 'ideal'.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Have you lost it?

In the realm of "love" or relationships the first stage would be attraction, then  infatuation,  as time passes, most people go into a period of adjustment (or the assertion themselves) and trying to adjust (change) the other person to try to make (force) them to become more like you and finally comes either acceptance and appreciation for the other person as they truly are (actually, it is how they were, because you probably were not able to change them and still have them liking you) aka love or you don't submit to this maturation and get a divorce or end the relationship.  The time spent in each of these stages will vary because, some of us are too stubborn or stupid to learn the lessons of life.  In our pride of needing to be right, most never get through the attempting to change the other person stage and will continue to move from relationship to relationship.  This is the same period of time if we would only look at changing our self instead of the other person growth and maturity can blossom within us and any relationship.
   We use these same patterns of behavior in most relationships. I have seen it in platonic, love and business relationships.  This is also true in the church world and also how it is with our relationship with God.
   I am afraid that the declaration of our church age, as a whole, may be not that we left our first love, but that we never took the time to find it!
   In our relationship with the Father, we delighted in the deliverance from our problems and guilt through Jesus Christ (attraction).  We regularly attended services, and devoured our Bibles (infatuation).  Then the problems start, we see the faults of others and the short comings of the organizational church, and with our active flesh and pride (and like faults or sins)  start wanting God to change so we don't have to.  Seeing that He doesn't change, we then find another group that will believe differently so we can remain unchanged or leave and abandon the church and/or Him altogether.  We then miss out on the best part of all relationships, where we can actually enjoy not only the other person but our own self.  Here we sit in the divorce stage making up doctrine and beliefs to justify ourselves so we don't have to do the work of change (which really isn't that hard, if you will just submit yourself to Him.  He will do the change in you* and all you need to do is say "Yes".)
  Infatuation is good but, matured love is better!  This is the agape love we hear about, but not see very often.

*More on change later

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bumper Sticker

  As you drive you see all kinds of bumper stickers, some are funny, others say how good their kid is doing in school, even who to vote for and finally there is occasionally the kind that makes you think. There are so many various stickers that within an hour, if not minutes, of seeing them you  don't remember what they said.  There are the occasional ones that do however stay with you (then becoming a mind sticker).  I saw one of those a month or two ago.  (No matter your belief system or political affiliation, I ask that you read this to the end.  Promise?)
  I am not now quite sure what other stickers there were on the suv, if there were any, but this one said, "You cannot be both Catholic and a Democrat".  It got me thinking... my first thought was, something along the line of  'wow this person knows how to draw a line in the sand'.  After that, things like 'and people think I am pretty black and white',  'this is one sticker that you won't see very often' and then finally I started to consider what is it was that they are trying to convey.  As I thought of the various items that would cause this person to put this on their vehicle (smallish suv,  funny I can still slightly picture the vehicle) the only one I could come up with was abortion.    Now before you shut me off please read to the end.    (You promised)  This post really isn't about abortion, but I will have to deal with it till I get to my main point.
    This person obviously thought that abortion is wrong and the act, probably murder.  Over 15 years ago I watched a video about abortion, afterwards I cried for hours.  I remembered working, the rest of the day, in a house with tears rolling down my face.  I can take you to the spot.  For those of you who have never seen such a video or haven't FULLY investigated the issue (3000 abortions are still being done each DAY in the USA)  and watched video of people that worked in the clinics, you should, Youtube has some, so you can  at least make an informed decision.  Here is one to start you off on that road, Video  It is graphic but nothing like what I saw years ago.  It has no spoken words, a few french  subtitles and music in that background that tempers down (probably to much) the video.  I would again encourage you to do a full investigation to decide for yourself.
   If the act of abortion cannot be considered murder, when does the act become murder? At which week or day or second before birth does the "fetus", aka baby, aka human become a life?   Is it only when her or she is on the outside, then killing them, that possible crime is committed?  If that is true, then any "fetus" that is still alive after an abortion and is then "terminated" (just writing that makes me feel like a Nazi dealing with a Jew) would then qualify as a murder.  Why is someone charged with a double murder if a pregnant woman is killed?  Or if you favor abortion and think that the intent or desire of the woman determines whether it is a "fetus" or a baby, why are women who give birth and "dispose" of the body charged with murder?   (The Democrat party line is one of abortion and unrestricted abortion and promotion and funding of abortion.   Lets rephrase that, the Democrat party line is one of murder and unrestricted murder and the promotion and funding of murder.  Which is,  I believe, what the person in the suv was trying to convey.)
  Now on to my point... what morals or beliefs (from your religion) do you have that would or could stop you from belonging to a political party.  Any?  If you have none, I would have to say you are either ignorant, willingly looking the other way or really not in contact with your God.  If there is none or you look the other way, I am sorry to tell you, your god is your political affiliation.  Good luck with that one!  As for Christianity,  Jesus said that you can only serve one master, you'll love the one and hate the other, or hate the one and love the other.
(slight deviation here) "Well I am a (insert political affiliation here) because we watch out for the little person  (except the "fetus'" of course)."  Why is it, as a whole, people who belong to your party don't give or give little to charities?  Do you know that Bill Clinton takes a tax deduction for giving his used underwear to Goodwill?  Now that's charity!  I once belonged to a church that if you did not give and give generously you were put down and really not considered a part of them.  In the same way if you are giving other people's money away and not your own (and not being more generous with your own) you are just as deceived.
  (Back to point)  Are you more outspoken in your political affiliation or your relationship with God?  What has your attention?  You may want to consider that.
  **A bite to chew on for awhile**  Milea recently saw a facebook post of a past teacher's quotes, given by the students.  There were a lot of good ones, but one really caught my attention.  "Intellectual deception follows moral rejection." 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Big Headed Pastors AKA 98lb Weaklings

  You may think I have a problem with the office of the pastor.  That would be wrong of you to think this of me.  Yes, I belong to a local church body, that even has a pastor and I actually like him and am growing to respect him more each day, even though he is wrong about things from time to time.  He is not perfect and has flaws, like all of us do.  He, however, does not exalt himself, puts others first, seems to love God more than himself, loves and exalts those that would normally be considered "weak and without a lot to give back" and even has passion.
I want to state here that Jesus Christ is the Head or Shepherd of the Church, but He has appointed people to watch over our souls, those people are  sub-heads or sub-shepherds. Often, they lose sight of their appointment and decide its their career and start looking out for their own selves, similar to what our Washington DC politicians end up doing, once they get into office.  Others build their own local kingdoms.  While yet others do their job properly with integrity.  I believe that a lot of the problems of leadership is because there is a void that the congregation, or body, has allowed to happen by being weak and immature and are in essence a 98lb weakling.  We have this mature big head and an under sized weak body.  It is time for us to do some maturing and put on some spiritual muscle.
We often exercise, well some of us do anyway, to keep our bodies strong and/or flexible, but do we do it spiritually?  Here are a couple verses that hold keys and instruct us in body building.
 Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong (stout), and do exploits.  (note the key is to "know their God".
Have you ever thought how Jesus growing up on this planet got to know Him?  "Well He just had the knowledge from before."  No, He was a human just like us,  except without sin, but, He did spend time seeking (and finding)out the Father.  The gospels say that "He grew in knowledge". 
Jude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Here is also an exercise we tend to neglect and because of it we are weak.  What you don't use you lose.  The adage you see on church ad boards that says "7 days without prayer makes one weak" is true.
 "Be strong and of good courage".
(I wanted to put a picture of Jesus in the "Uncle Sam needs you" poster pose, with the words "be strong and of good courage" under it,  but I have other things to do today)