Every post of mine goes through several rewrites and corrections before it ever sees the light of someone else' monitor. Every once in awhile I will even go back over and read some old posts and find all kinds of errors (I found one post where someone must of hacked me and even wrote about my two cross-dressing brothers, it was entertaining so I left it). Sometimes a new thought or direction will come to me, about a post I am writing, the next day or even while sleeping, so they usually sit as a draft for at least a day or two. Of course, rewrites on the computer are easy (except I have yet to find a whiteout remover that works on the screen). However, rewrites of life are a lot harder. I know you will find this hard to believe, but there have been times Milea has asked me "Why did you say that to ...? It was a bit shocking!" or preaching with the old zipper down (I have heard of pastors even going to the bathroom with the mic on and blessing the congregation with new sounds of praise, not me though, really not me), or ... never mind I am not quite ready to reveal this next one and nobody that reads my blog knows of this public goof from my teen years. Ever have those moments that you wish you could go back and change? Or maybe do the Jedi hand wave to cast a spell "What you just saw never happeenneedd!" to make others forget your foolishness? (I almost have that one perfected! However, so far it only has worked on my kids when they were younger. Milea was there too, but for some reason it seemed to work the opposite on her and actually reenforced the occurrence, as she will bring them up at the most inopportune times. Which happens to be anytime, in my book anyway).
God also does the Jedi trick, but His version works quite strangely because it makes Him forget! I have seen Him do it for us and for some of us on an hourly basis! (not me mind you, but I do know someone...).
Heb 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
It is one thing to forgive and forget someones else' faux pas and sins, but your own? That can be a whole other matter.
Now if only you and I were more godly (God like), life could be a whole lot easier.. The sad thing is that these memories will not only haunt us, but will also hinder us into doing the right and good thing in the future (fear of failure).
Now, what was I talking about? ...(I am practicing my forgetfulness.)
God also does the Jedi trick, but His version works quite strangely because it makes Him forget! I have seen Him do it for us and for some of us on an hourly basis! (not me mind you, but I do know someone...).
Heb 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
It is one thing to forgive and forget someones else' faux pas and sins, but your own? That can be a whole other matter.
Now if only you and I were more godly (God like), life could be a whole lot easier.. The sad thing is that these memories will not only haunt us, but will also hinder us into doing the right and good thing in the future (fear of failure).
Now, what was I talking about? ...(I am practicing my forgetfulness.)