Do you ever find yourself saying things like..."I hope those politicians get their act together!" or "I hope the economy turns around soon!"? For some "hope" may just be an expression, similar to the one we all hear way too much... "Oh my god!" ( I did not capitalize that because most people that say this probably don't have a god that is worth capitalizing. I often wonder when I hear those words, if that will not be a judgement point for them... "You knew I existed by your proclamation, why did you not do what I said?")
On what or whom (including yourself in the possibility you may be a control freak) is your hope based? For some it is the American way, for others their spouse, job, their own abilities or even their political party. I have been in organizations where the pastor or the church (the structure, people, the style or organization becomes the answer and thus hope for the people. Is your main way of "getting" people is to invite them to "your" church [In reality it is not yours, well the organization, style, beliefs and structure may be, but it is Jesus that died and rose from the dead for it, it belongs to Him!] The Church is not a building or man made denomination or any 401c entity... and while we are on this subject... the "incorporated" status of most church organizations makes it, in the eyes of the courts, a State institution, because it is given the status and power of incorporation by the State and is under partial control by the rules and laws of the State... I thought this nation was started to get away from that...An incorporated entity protects the organization and its officers and makes them less vulnerable in law suits and matters of money. So by the incorporated status the State, in which the papers were drawn up in, becomes their protector, shield and hope...this is a SELAH moment... Does the organization that you belong to preach reliance on God and is incorporated? If so, they are lying to you through their actions, whether by deceit or ignorance!) [sorry, I will now get back down from my soap box]...If your main way of "getting" people is to invite them to "your" church is to tell them about the meetings or brag on the pastor or maybe what you do there, and we have all done it, your hope, trust and reliance may just be in that thing or pastor and not in your relationship with the Almighty! If you find yourself in that position my recommendation is for you to develop your relationship with Him...Jesus talked about, in at least one of the gospels, people facing the Father and His dispute with them was not what they did, but rather "I never knew you". That speaks of relationship! When you have one with Him it displaces all other things and gives you a confidence like no other thing or person can. Here is the verse that got all this started today...
Ps 33:22 Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
To get the mercy you must first locate your hope. After you locate where all your hope lies then to whatever portion of mercy you desire from God you want you may want to learn to put and equivalent amount of hope in Him. To have hope there must be trust and relationship. Make a decision today and watch where or in what you put you hope. I sure do hope so anyway!
On what or whom (including yourself in the possibility you may be a control freak) is your hope based? For some it is the American way, for others their spouse, job, their own abilities or even their political party. I have been in organizations where the pastor or the church (the structure, people, the style or organization becomes the answer and thus hope for the people. Is your main way of "getting" people is to invite them to "your" church [In reality it is not yours, well the organization, style, beliefs and structure may be, but it is Jesus that died and rose from the dead for it, it belongs to Him!] The Church is not a building or man made denomination or any 401c entity... and while we are on this subject... the "incorporated" status of most church organizations makes it, in the eyes of the courts, a State institution, because it is given the status and power of incorporation by the State and is under partial control by the rules and laws of the State... I thought this nation was started to get away from that...An incorporated entity protects the organization and its officers and makes them less vulnerable in law suits and matters of money. So by the incorporated status the State, in which the papers were drawn up in, becomes their protector, shield and hope...this is a SELAH moment... Does the organization that you belong to preach reliance on God and is incorporated? If so, they are lying to you through their actions, whether by deceit or ignorance!) [sorry, I will now get back down from my soap box]...If your main way of "getting" people is to invite them to "your" church is to tell them about the meetings or brag on the pastor or maybe what you do there, and we have all done it, your hope, trust and reliance may just be in that thing or pastor and not in your relationship with the Almighty! If you find yourself in that position my recommendation is for you to develop your relationship with Him...Jesus talked about, in at least one of the gospels, people facing the Father and His dispute with them was not what they did, but rather "I never knew you". That speaks of relationship! When you have one with Him it displaces all other things and gives you a confidence like no other thing or person can. Here is the verse that got all this started today...
Ps 33:22 Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
To get the mercy you must first locate your hope. After you locate where all your hope lies then to whatever portion of mercy you desire from God you want you may want to learn to put and equivalent amount of hope in Him. To have hope there must be trust and relationship. Make a decision today and watch where or in what you put you hope. I sure do hope so anyway!