Sunday, May 29, 2011

It is sometimes good to look back

In this current age of compromise, change and influence brought upon us from all angles it is sometimes good to look back to materials written to see how and what people thought and believed.  Here is a link to a book I have enjoyed reading (and doing so again) written around 1900, The Hidden Life of Prayer, for those of you that are interested in joining me and reading it too.  (I make no endorsement with the web site or its theology).   It is very good and eye opening and there are all kinds of quotes from saints of the past. You'll have to renew your mind to some of the words used in association with God and prayer as we have twisted them and associated them with a singular meaning. Also recommend having a second window open to the footnote section, as you read, that they provide (below the chapter links), as some of the best stuff is in the footnotes.
  Here is a portion I ran across this morning in chapter 1..."The only remedy for this sluggish mood is that we should "rekindle our love," as Polycarp wrote to the Church in Ephesus, "in the blood of God." Let us ask for a fresh gift of the Holy Spirit to quicken our sluggish hearts, a new disclosure of the charity of God. The Spirit will help our infirmities, and the very compassion of the Son of God will fall upon us, clothing us with zeal as with a garment, stirring our affections into a most vehement flame, and filling our souls with heaven."  I have found it so much easier to pray and have (in the phraseology of this book see note on renewing your mind to old definitions of words above) continual and good intercourse with God when my soul is already full of heaven. Which in turn fills my soul with heaven  more and the cycle goes on.
I  want to continue in this vein for a moment to make you think and possibly blow a couple circuits (I really wanted to title this posting "Having intercourse with God", but figured it would shock too many of you and I wouldn't want to be the cause of your departure- death).  If you find yourself dry or lacking in the God life find yourself a quiet secluded spot (kind of like how you used to in your earlier years, if you catch my drift) but this time spend the time in quiet "intercourse" with the Father and renew and awaken yourself and get your soul full of heaven.  It may take several sessions to get past the fluff (and eventual walls we put up to keep Him and/or conviction out) that we so easily put in there from this world but He will help us if we'll just be honest and open.  I will close this off with another mind tweaking quote from the book.  " It has been said of Origen (in his own words) that his life was   "one unceasing supplication."   By this means above all others the perfect idea of the Christian life is realized. Intercourse between the believer and his Lord ought never to be interrupted."   Sorry to all you all you rigid ones out there but... It's the Viagra of the spiritual world in action with none of the side effects. For those of you having problems with this try interpreting intercourse this way- close and intimate relationship with God.  Now you can relax and breath again.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Please, pleased or pleasing

Ga 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Let’s look at part of this verse and simplify it a little.                                               
Justified= made innocent
So,  Gal 2:16 “fact: no one is made innocent by doing things (preordained or made up by the individual) to try to get in God’s graces,”
It is not a situation of doing things to make you more acceptable for God.  If you are trying to do things, it needs to be because you are in a relationship with Him cause you’re one of His kids.  It is a fine line between trying to please and being pleasing.
Before we go on… does anyone have a problem with this?

Here is something I will bet you've never thought about!

  In the Gospels James' and John's mom came to Jesus and asked Him, "Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom."   Jesus basically replied, "Sorry Charlie.  That's not mine to give."
But, in the book of Revelation He says, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
  First, of all I have never pictured the two of them sitting in the same chair. Selah (pause and think on that)
  Second, I just see all these people wiggling and squirming around like little kids with their big brother on the big old easy chair.
I hope two things:

1. That He has a big throne so all of us fit!

2. That enough of us overcome that He has to get a bigger than planned model.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Abba, could you please take out the trash

Eph 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
 Here is the problem,  Paul in this verse writes that we would know something that is truly only known after you conceive it and is past the point of your thinking!  To know something without knowing it in your thinker… I believe the word or expression would rightly be to experience or truly feel the love of Christ.  There is only one place to do that and that would be in a place of communion with God.  Letting Him wash over you with His presence.  I picked up the book I referred to from Lenard Ravenhill (as mentioned in a previous posting) in the beginning it talks of a man named M’Cheyne, who said or wrote in a diary, “I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God. It is the noblest and most fruitful employment, and is not to be trust into the corner”.
As I look at my life I always have found very easy to sit still for various activities(games, reading, tv or computer) but found it hard when it came to God.  In my journey with Him, I came to a spot of desperation and finally breakthrough,  where I found that I didn’t need to fill the time with words but found that just being there in quiet or with a worship song or two going (and I would recommend one or two, at the most, it’s less distracting but can set an ambiance of worship) I could deeply  meet with God. Simply put,  I was there just to meet with and be next to Him.  All the pressure is off and I am open for Him to do what He wants doing.  As I would meet with Him and He would in turn love on me, it started to change me, old habits and behaviors started to melt away without any struggle from my side other than I made sure I was there for and with Him.  It took the work out of my relationship with Him and I became the blob of clay that He could mold.  As you find your way and He fills you more and more and you experience His love for you, victory, change and healing will come. 
My advice for you is to:
1.       Keep it simple
2.       Shut up and don’t keep talking (Be still and know… that I am God.)
3.       Be faithful.  Just because you didn’t feel anything the first day, week or maybe even a month the change is coming, the seed is planted, it is growing and will spring out at anytime.
4.       Quiet your mind.  If some important item comes up write it on a pad to look at later. The only thing to think on, if you must, should be Him.  If a sin comes to mind confess it and move on.  DON’T LET YOURSELF GET DISTRACTED!  It does take practice to still the mind and activity without falling asleep (and that will happen too).  Be open, invite Him to meet with you and tell Him you are there to just be there with Him and meet with Him.
Remember:  Garbage in …God out.  But… God in... garbage out!
I would love to hear your past, present or, soon to be, future experiences knowing the love of God.  Email me at and let me know if I could post some of them with or without identity attached.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Innies Make for Faster Outies

Years ago I got an old book that my father -in-law had gotten from Lenard Ravenhill.  It was a compilation of saints gone by that sought after the heart of God.  The book always drew me (kinda like that last donut that is sitting in the next room that knows your name).  I would take it out in the woods, especially during deer season, and read and reread, I think its time to find it once more. 
  While describing my latest blog on Facebook, the phrase “garbage in, God out and God in, garbage out” flowed from my keyboard.  I would love to take credit for it, but as usual, God does things through people that at first think, “that was good”.  He’s so funny, at times.  Then you realize He dropped that in and you are just relating Him and His principles for the helping of others (and yourself).  And you laugh at your little “creative self”. 
The more of His Word and the more into relationship or fellowship with Him you get, the more the old will fade and the attraction for the old will dissipate.  Please note here the emphasis on the and in the last sentence, having a purely scriptural walk with God dries you out and makes you brittle, just a personal fellowship walk will eventually make you fruity, flaky and off course.  If you however put the guidance and stability of the Word with the oil of the Holy Spirit you will be effective and victorious. 
Are you fighting a losing battle?  Stop fighting and bring God into you and your situation.  Sometimes the battle takes our focus… remember the verse…  “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith”?    I know its taking this verse out of context but it works as a principle here, “…look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Lk.21:28   Your focus needs to be on Him and the victory that He has provided for you, instead of your condition or circumstance you are in. Your focus on the situation causes worry and stress over the apparent defeat that is looming . 
The crowding principle:   2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Again, one in the other out, “either you will love the one and hate the other or…”  There is no room for both.  Bring Him in.  Not just into your situation but make room and time for Him in and with you.  You don’t have much you can give Him… except your time which includes and is you!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You are What You Eat

  I was recently listening to a British broadcaster talk, he addressed a young lady and commented “You can’t be an American, you’re too thin!”  What’s happening?  We are crowding out what’s good for us with sugars and fats that are readily available in our snack foods and easily gain weight ( that is how you get 400 lb. people on food stamps,as regularly seen here in KY as I am sure in your's!).   In our spiritual life, we can rapidly take in what is quickly available and are no longer hungry for the real food.

Isa 55:2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. (or abundance, a fully satisfied soul)

Who or what you surround yourself with by your choosing is what you become like.  Do you have a plaguing malady in your character?    One of the things you can and should do to defeat it is to find out where the source of it’s feeding is (tv shows that you watch, magazines, books and even internet) and make adjustments.   “But I can’t even do that!” some will say.  I have been in that same boat, inwardly you cry out for change and help, but outwardly (in action)  there is not an ounce of strength to successfully do anything about it. Crowding out is a spiritual principle.   The bad news the things of this world will crowd out the things of the kingdom but the reverse is also true and it is more than a valid option for today.
Things that are addicting:
 Pornography/Romance Novels (same thing)
Being conformed changed or charged into His image is very doable and will crowd out and destroy all of the old crap (pardon my French, as they say). 
(The fix is in next time …I think)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Getting Your Fix

Except when you are at the store and wanting some quarters, change can be one of the harder  things to get.  Change of mind… easy, change of habit… quite a bit harder, change of heart… almost impossible without outside intervention.  We often resist change because we can feel it is a diminishment of ourselves (we are so perfect after all).  It can be too hard, so why try (I caaaaannn’t syndrome.  We used to have a parrot that lived in an apartment below us.  At one time in it’s life it was was within earshot of a daycare center, one of it’s main cries became the “I caaaaannnn’t” call of a spoiled little brat. Before we left we added a little laugh to it’s repartee.  Milea loves to be tickled!)
It can be depression, anger, lust, hatred, arrogance and the like that is a stronghold and seeks to dominate, control and trap us into a diminished state of life or even take it.
The good news is… it is really not that hard to see these things GO and not come back. Trying to get rid of these in the natural can be hard to nasty to deal with. I know people that get saved and addictions and habits fall away instantly and others that seem to struggle for years. Personally there are areas that I can control and change by my will, but I know others that swear that are doing well to change their underwear (don’t get me wrong, there are areas that I have had in my life that were too big for me to handle or control).
 Are you ready for change?  If not, you might as well quit here and go check your Facebook status and get on with your life as you know it otherwise get ready for some fun…
The remainder of this blog post and the next is what I have experienced personally and is not theory.   Have you ever driven down a road and saw something to the side that got your attention to the point where your eyes looked at it for four or more seconds?  If you are not fully aware, of your steering, when your eyes come back to the road most of us will find that we have veered in the direction of the object we were previously looking at.  It is the same in our personal life, the object that we pay attention to is the thing that we veer towards.  By concentrating on a habit, condition or a heart’s leanings you may be able to slightly corral the manifestation of it but the festering sore that lies beneath continues on.  By staring at it with our eyes and/or mind we make it a thing of affection, goal or destination or even idol.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 
The word looking in this verse has the meaning “considering attentively”.  One of the versions of the Bible says “fixing your eyes on Jesus” in today’s language I think we could say “super-gluing your attention on Jesus”.  He is to be our focus, drive, attention getter not our circumstances, illnesses habits or flaws.  Where are your eyes or your attention today? 
Project fixation coming next time.  (You may in the meantime may want to read or reread the posting “under the influence…” that was posted a week or two ago.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why it’s Important

For the last month and a half I have been feeling an urge to visit a rental house that we own (it is about an hour away). It is a house that we had previously owned and then my mother owned and she sold to someone to move back to Minnesota. We saw it was repossessed by a bank several years ago, so we bought it back. Long story short, we were about 2 months too late to get it back on the market before the housing glut hit, that happened a year after we bought it, so we currently rent it. I have had an older couple living there for about a year, it was nice having someone stable and that paid rent on time.

While away, overnight in southern KY, I received a mysterious call. I finally sorted out that it was the son of my renter. “I just wanted to let you know my mom and dad moved out and went back to Maine a week or two ago and you won’t be able to contact them cause they changed their number.” It was late at night and my mind started running wild… I wanted to curse them however, God said to me, “Bless, don’t curse them.” (That was a hard one at the time). The house had about 8 inches of water in the basement when we bought it and then about ¾ the way through the renovation a pipe burst and we had about 5 feet of water or should I say a new indoor swimming pool. The downside was the electric breaker box was in the pool and underwater (I later installed a battery backup sump pump). If the renter turned off the electricity or had not paid the electric bill and it had been turned off… I was concerned (to say the least) that it had drained the battery and with all the rain we have been getting… the basement would be full again. I also saw it (in my mind) piled high with junk, refrigerator and stove gone... Peace, peace. Father I give you this situation, I can’t do anything tonight (unless I were to leave here now and drive a couple hours in the dark and storming night…). No, Father I give it to you and my finances and my mind (arrrggg). Peace, peace. About an hour later with much wrestling to get control of my mind through much prayer and worship, I was finally able to slip off and go to sleep...for a while… (the whole process continued most of the night). The following day I left earlier than I originally intended and found the house mostly clean (so,so) and reasonably empty (except for a big heavy sofa, no match for a saws-all though, and boxes). Then there was the yard (all 1.75 acres) that was 12-24 inches tall (mostly 24, aarrrrgggg!).

If I had only listened to the nudging... It may not have saved me much money or a renter but it sure would have saved me some sleep and mowing time! God is on our side and knows what is best for us. If we will only listen to His leading us in all areas. Again, He is on our side and is interested in us enough to help us in all areas of our life. That is why it’s important to listen, hear and do. In the words of the 1970’s “Y’all got yer’ ears on good buddy? Breaker 1-9!”

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Under the Influence (of Angels)

Genisis 32:1 ¶ And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. 2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
  One day I found these verses; their simplicity was intriguing to me because of what they didn’t say.   If I were writing the Bible here I would want to write more of what happened.  If I came up to you and said, “Hey, I met with some angels yesterday.  Have a good day.”  I think you would feel shorted.  “How dare you say that and leave.” would be the proper response. You would probably be more upset when I said we just exchanged greetings and left, but that’s how we read these verses and move on to the more important parts.
 If you look at the Hebrew word met in verse 1 you’ll find in its definition a word we don’t often use today, its impinge.  It can be defined easiest by an illustration: You can see it in a football game when the two teams are lined up and waiting for the center to snap or hike the ball to the quarterback(to officially start the play).  If the defensive player jumps the gun and comes charging across the line before the snap and makes contact with the offence that’s impingement.  In football that is an uninvited illegal move and completely unasked for… but its legal in God’s kingdom and God is still doing it today.  He’ll charge you and change you or your circumstances (also known as a game changer) sometimes knock you over  (been known to do that) or flood you with Himself, make you happy or who knows what He, through His impinging angels, will do… but He will.  After all we are all different and will “treat” us individually. 
  As you go through the Bible you will notice that when the angelic show up on a scene there is usually a change in the person, persons, nations or the circumstances.  A good example of this is Jacob.  He was changed from a conniving, selfish and taking person to one that was a leader, even likable and a giver.  What makes an angel special is that they are coming from the Father’s presence (a place of power and all that is) straight into ours which is going to be doing some changing.  I have watched people change depending upon what influence they are under so it does not come as a shock that angelic presence causes things to happen.  I have read biographies of people that spend large amounts of time in prayer and God’s presence and then go out and people are convicted of sin by simply being near them.   Were they special?  No, they were just carrying a tangible portion of the Father with them from an earlier encounter.  Stephen’s (no known relation) face was upsetting to the council because it was like that of an angel’s, indicating some kind or form of influence.
  Here is my point and my desire for you: Open up and loosen up go ahead and ask the Father to impinge any time He wants. Spend some time awake and seeking Him.  Don’t worry, after all… if a son asks for a fish will the Father give a rock or a snake.  Jesus then said “I think not”.  What would be better to be normal in this world’s eyes or normal in the eyes of the kingdom?  Acceptable in  this one or that one. There is a difference, you know.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hereafter- Angels do what?

John 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
Whether Jesus was saying that the angelic activity was going to start to intensify around Him or that the disciples were going to see it from then on, it is important to see the fact that there was a constant flow of activity.  Was it that Jesus was a special case or that there was someone pushing the environment around Himself for God’s kingdom and purposes?
What do angels do?
Assist in salvation- the centurion Acts 10   
Bring healing-stirring the water John 5
Deliverance from circumstances- Peter from jail Acts 5 and 12
Direction for the believer – Philip to go south Acts 8
Messages from the Father - Greeting of peace and safety Acts 27 (these are just a quick listing and by no means a complete)

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

The word that is translated “minister” has the following diverseness in meaning:  attendance (as a servant, etc.); figuratively aid, (official) service:--(ad-)minister(-ing, -tration, -try), office, relief, service(-ing).
We often picture angels standing by and just watching or at best helping in extreme circumstances like car accidents.  I also feel that we often attribute spiritual activity around us to the Holy Spirit when in reality it is the angels performing God’s instruction towards us (it is not an important point who gets the credit other than to realize how important you are to the Father and He is making His resources available for you).  The act of ministering goes far beyond our concepts of “guardian angels”.  I have read accounts of cars “running” in deliverance circumstances when there was no engine present under the hood (unknown by the participants before hand).  Also of protecting armies when missionaries were traveling through dangerous areas (seen by those who were about to attack).  I had an instance where I entered into a daze or fog at a stoplight where a semi ran through a red light and would have collided with me had I have been alert and proceeded. 
  I attended a meeting of 200-300 people a few years ago where the individual said that at times God would open his eyes to see angels and what they were doing.  He called out certain people and said things like “Sir there is a large angel that is pouring a vile of fire over your head” or another was reading a book in the ear of another person.  To say the least it was a little strange.  Then he turned towards me and said, “Sir, in the red sweater there is an angel standing behind you and if you had hair on top he would be messing it up and constantly playing with it and God says He is messing up your life for His purposes.”  Over the prior eight months to a year I had entered into place of communion with the Father and quite often had a physical reaction similar to a buzz and/or a strong joy, sometimes bringing His presence home with me that would spread His influence over my family.  A couple times we would just sit around the table in His presence while the food cooled.  Often there would come a numbness (like a dentist missed my jaw with Novocain and put a shot into my head instead) over my forehead and scalp while worshiping or preaching.  At the time I attributed this to the Holy Spirit. Several minutes before I was called out by the gentleman my “normal numb-buzz” was intensified, enough that I was well aware of it anyway.   The messing with my life involved taking me out of a long-term church relationship in which we half left and half expelled due to leadership authoritarian abuse and what was happening in my relationship with God.  What did the numb-buzz do?   My spiritual awareness was greatly heightened, His presence carried a stronger physical sensation in my life and others around me, life as a believer became easy and a no brainer, His voice volume became amplified (often during a service where verses were literally spoken into my chest like a sledge hammer - that’s the best way I can express it.  It was not from the speaker but through spiritual means whether the Holy Spirit or angels I don’t know).  My life and personality changed of which my wife was thankful.
 I heard someone speak once he accused American believers of being so indifferent that their angels were bored spitless and were putting in requests for other duties.  My question would be what are you doing that may alert the angelic realm to get busy on your behalf?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just What is Normal Activity? (as apposed to paranormal)

Circumstances often change what we accept as normal.  I know people that have constant headaches and accept them as normal and expected in their life.  People condition themselves to accept a lack of God activity in their life as normal and expected.  It is not until we lift our eyes and notice what others experience both in the current life and from those that have gone before (including the apostles and even Jesus) can we truly see what we could be missing.  Now I know, each person must make their own way, but there is so much more in the spiritual realm that we never lay a hold of because we set limitations and expectations on ourselves. (Through tradition and often a low spiritual esteem, a not worthy mentality, we denigrate ourselves.  What are you worth? Well God sent His Son to suffer and die for you, so that should give you a basic value at which you can start.)
John 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
Hereafter you shall see:   Were the angels just starting to ascend and descend on Jesus or were the apostles just privy to it?  In either case there seems to be a constant flow of activity of angels. 
Angels of God ascending and descending:  What were they doing?  How many does it take and why were they needed, Jesus seemed to have a vital relationship with God.
When you read the Word pay attention to what it says and what could be possible for you.